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Holt Farm Junior School

South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice at HFJS is about the empowerment of pupils

Pupil Voice at HFJS is about the empowerment of pupils to enable them to be engaged and involved in the learning process and the life of the school, encouraging them to take greater responsibility for their own progress and achievement, engage in constructive dialogue with teachers and give them the skills and abilities necessary to develop and learn with greater independence. This helps teachers and other members of the school staff to raise standards and meet the needs of individual children.

It is the responsibilities of learners to understand:

  • the extent to which they are personally responsible for their own learning;
  • the impact their behaviour and general conduct can have on themselves, their peers and teachers and other adults who form part of the school community; and
  • how the legitimate rights of all members of the school community can only be secured by each person acknowledging and undertaking their own responsibilities and obligations.

Pupil Voice at HFJS goes beyond the classroom and aims to develop our children as compassionate global citizens, with strong morals and the grit and determination to succeed, recognising their own responsibility in that journey.

At HFJS, we promote the British Value of democracy by holding class elections to select members of the School Council, Sports Council and Eco Team. This allows children, who have been democratically voted in, the chance to demonstrate thoughtful and responsible contributions to school life, participate in appropriate discussions with senior leaders to make a difference. They share ideas with their class and gain their opinions and feedback so that Pupil Voice makes a positive impact to school life and the wider community.

Our Pupil Voice Teams focus on making a difference, not only in our school but also in the local community, nationally and globally.

Pupil-Voice-Teams (ID 1056)



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