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Holt Farm Junior School

South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Our Curriculum Ethos

Knowing more. Doing more. Remembering more.


At Holt Farm Junior School, our aim for is to ensure that our curriculum is:

‘balanced and inspiring and filled with enriching experiences to develop lifelong learning’.

  • delivering a curriculum which is ambitious for all learners which is delivered  in an exciting and purposeful way
  •  embedding an ethos of ‘knowing more, doing more, remembering more’
  • opening eyes to future possibilities through raising aspirations; allowing the children to ask, 'why not me?'
  • exposing our children to rich and varied learning experiences so that they are open to new opportunities and the cultural capital to succeed in later life
  • subject leaders coherently sequencing learning through providing a clear progression of knowledge
  • the use of powerful, quality texts, alongside exploiting cross-curricular opportunities, which promotes subject-related vocabulary to make learning meaningful
  • using our professional knowledge of our children and how they learn best to adapt lessons to support all learners 
  • learning that is built upon a sequence of successive lessons where children are appropriately challenged
  • engaging lessons that empower children to develop and apply their own knowledge
  • using regular assessment opportunities so that each learner knows their next steps to success
  • using of quality talk and discussion to enhance learning
  • promoting the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs where equality and equity is promoted and diversity celebrated
  • enhancing the learning experience through visits, visitors and special events throughout the year


Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1051)







 Year Groups

Year-Groups (ID 1054)







 If you would like to discover more about our curriculum please contact Mrs. Gillan via the school office.

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